Dr Ian Mudway

Dr Ian Mudway

Theme II Co-Lead

Environmental Research Group, School of Public Health, Imperial College London
Dr Ian Mudway is a  Senior Lecturer at the School of Public Health at Imperial College London and a member of the MRC Centre for Environment and Health; Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma and NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Environmental Exposures and Health. He has over 25 years of experience researching the impacts of air pollution on human health and in the development of assays to quantify the toxicity of the chemical cocktails that pollute the air we breathe. Over this period Dr Mudway has published over 120 research papers, reports and book chapters on these topics, as well as providing advice the local, national and international governments and NGOs. Dr Mudway is passionate about the communication of science to lay audiences and has worked extensively with artists and educationalist to promote the public understanding of the risks associated with environmental pollutants. Currently his work is focused on understanding early life impacts of pollutants on the development of the lung and cognitive function in children living within urban populations, as well as the broader impacts of air pollution on mental health and dementia risk.

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EEH Themes:

Theme I Project 3: Acute CO exposure

Theme I Project 4: Assessing (nano) particle exposures from consumer products including those using advanced materials

Theme II Project 2: Air pollution/impacts on the brain across the life course

Theme II Project 4: Exposures in transport microenvironments and their impact on health

Theme III Project 2: Health effects of non-combustion particles

Theme III Project 3: The role of the AhR in Asthma


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