Researchers' Society

The Researchers' Society is run by early-career researchers and PhD students of the MRC Centre for Environment (MRC CEH), the Environmental Exposure and Health (EEH) HPRU, and Chemical Radiation Threats and Hazards (CRTH) HPRU and aims to promote the welfare and career development of researchers across the  Centre and the CRTH and EEH HPRUs.

All PhD students, early-career researcher and technical staff whose Supervisor/Principal Investigator/Project is part of the HPRUs or MRC Centre are members of the Society.

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For more information, please read here: Researchers Society Constitution

Researchers' Society Commmitee

The organisation of the Researchers' Society is conducted by the Researchers' Society Committee. Membership of the Committee is open to all members who attend Committee meetings and show an active interest in the running of the society.

The Researchers' Society has a representative on the MRC Centre’s Executive Committee, as a full member, thereby ensuring that the needs of the students and early-career researchers can be presented to the key decision makers.

Co-chairs: Ruthie Parsons (PhD student) and  Phillip Punter (PhD student)

Committee members:

  • Secretary:  Rose Tweedie (PhD student)
  • Social Sec: Will Francis (PhD student)
  • Treasurer: Henry Blake (PhD student)
  • Social Media & Webmaster:  Samira Hiesl (PhD student) and Sutong Li (PhD student)
  • Training Officer: Abdullah Shahid (PhD student) and Kemi Oloyede (PhD student)
  • Sustainability Rep: Helena Rapp Wright (Research Associate) and Hannah Murdock (PhD Student)
  • RS Rep: Stav Friedman (PTO)

Senior advisors:

  • Fred Piel – CRTH HPRU Academic Career Development Director
  • Anastasia Ioakeimidou – MRC CEH and CRTH HPRU Scientific Manager

Envirohealth Podcast

Have you ever wondered how scientists go about understanding environmental health? From measurement to mathematics, data to diagrams, publication to policy. Join the Envirohealth Podcast, brought to you by the Researchers' Society, as we sit down with researchers to explore the causes and effects that the environment can have on our health. To hear more about the Envirohealth Podcast, click here to visit our website here.

Episode Eight: The risk environmentally present chemicals pose to human and environment health with Dr. Leon Barron, Dr. Andrew Prentis, and Professor Guy Woodward

Episode Seven: The diabetes epidemic and the impact of lifestyle interventions with Professor Edward Gregg

Episode Six: Mathematical and statistical modelling of disease with Dr. Tim Lucas

Episode Five: The intersection of digital technologies and air quality communication with Andrew Grieve

Episode Four: Chemicals of emerging concern in the aquatic environment with Dr. Keng Tiong Ng

Episode Three: Knowledge co-production and our engagement as researchers with Dr. Camilla Audia

Episode Two: The impacts of air pollution on young people's health with Dr. Diana Varaden

Episode One: Air pollution and human health with Dr. Yiqun Han

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