Our Research
Our mission is to undertake the highest quality research into the health effects associated with exposure to a range of environmental pollutants, including those in the ambient and indoor settings. Our aim is to improve the understanding of the distribution, determinants and pathways linking these exposures to health effects to provide scientific evidence that will impact directly on public health practice and policy.
Our strategy will be informed by the priority research needs and evidence gaps identified in partnership with public health agencies and their supporting Expert Committees.
To achieve this, the Unit will identify biomarkers of exposure and risk based on a mechanistic understanding of disease pathogenesis, progression and exacerbation that can be integrated into epidemiological studies and employed to investigate novel approaches to risk mitigation.
The findings will build the evidence required to ensure effective protection of the population from environmental risks.

In addition to these core Themes, several cross-cutting programmes ensure the HPRU delivers broad impact beyond its research outputs, by involving the communities which are the subject of its research, training the next generation researchers, promoting the translation of research outcomes into policy and responding to emerging public health challenges.